Venue – The Dorford Centre, (Dorchester Baptist Church), Bridport Road, Dorchester. DT1 1RR
(Room 4)
On Wednesday 26th June at 7.15pm
- Welcome by Chair
- Apologies
- Approval of Minutes of last AGM (dated 27.6.18)
(Minutes will have already been circulated)
- Matters arising
- Reports from the Netball Dorset Management Board (below) will have already been displayed on the Netball Dorset website and will not be read out, or paper copies provided, at the AGM.
- Chair Linda Cutler
- Vice Chair Kelly Browne
- Dorset Netball Dev Officer Karen Peaty
- Competition Director (Vacant)
- Umpiring/Officiating Director Karen Trimby
- Dorset Schools Rep Nathalie Boyer-Castle
- Coaching Director (Vacant)
- Talent and Performance Director Linda Cutler
- Media and Communications Director Channon Bruton
- Bournemouth N.A. Rep Karen Trimby
- North Dorset N.L. Rep Lesley Woods
- Poole League Rep Carly Craig
- South & West League Rep Sam Rees
- Finance Director’s Report Giselle Gray
- Adoption of Accounts
(Please note that paper copies of accounts will not be available – details will have been displayed on the Netball Dorset website.)
- Vote of Thanks
- Appointment of Tellers
- Election of Members of the Netball Dorset Management Board
- Proposals
- All affiliation costs to remain the same for this coming 2019/20 year
- Appointment of Auditors
- Presentation by Karen Peaty, Dorset Netball Development Officer, regarding new England Netball membership system.
- Presentations
- Please submit any proposals by Monday 10th June 2019.
- For any member wishing to stand for a position on the Netball Dorset Management Board, please contact me for a nomination form by Monday 3rd June 2019.. (Nominations to be received by Monday 10th June 2019.)
- Attendance return attached
- Netball Dorset would love to appoint someone to the role of Competition Director which has been vacant for a while now. If you’d like to have a say and make an impact on competition opportunities in Dorset, please get in touch!